I'm laying on the couch contemplating doing homework and thought it'd be more fun to write another update for everyone at home!
Today we went to a quintile 5 school (schools are ranked 1-5, 1 means poorest so they get the most government funding). It was in an area that was only for Indians under apartheid and now its about 50% black and 50% Indian. During our welcome the choir sang for us and a girl performed a traditional Indian dance, everyone was really glad to see us.
Here, most people speak 4 or 5 languages and at the elementary school the kids were learning English, Afrikans, Zulu, and Hindi. I watched a 2nd grade Hindi class and it was amazing to see how much they knew. The kids treated all of us like we were celebrities, they'd all mob around us when we walked in the hall and I probably signed 100 autographs.
The staff made us food so I had Indian for lunch and dinner today, something else that doesn't like my stomach... Tomorrow we are visiting an Islamic school and then going to our lectures at the University of Kwazulu-Natal. Then, if it isn't raining, (its rained all day today) we are going to a village to meet a traditional Zulu healer, or medicine man. I'm really excited but it's going to be a very long day.
I leave for the game park on Friday in the early afternoon, I'm not sure if I will have service there but I'll send another e-mail before we leave the city.
1/3 of the way done!